
Art has immerse potential to elevate encourage emotional reparation and enhance mental and physical health of individual. Art therapy can be motivational and help stimulate learning in the differently abled while spurring communication iteration


Encourage unknown artists by giving platfrom to show their talents

There are lot of unknown differently abled artist  in Kerala who has been seeing for an opportunity to explore their talents but they are in lack of such a platforms. we dream of us provide such a professional platform for all differently abled artists

Our Other Activities

Empowering Differently Abled

Empowering Differently Abled to make their lives smooth as ours and and make them not feel Differently

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Environmental Activity

Taking The Environmental activities to make the change to the world making it a better place to live

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Skill Development

Teaching skills to the people to the in order to make them professionally skilled

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We Pour in lots of opportunities to the differently abled people in the field of art and make them more exposure

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The importance of social and cultural activities is preparing students for real life and strengthening their personal skills.

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Relief Work

We work for the people in order to make them relieved of the in abilities and problems of theirs

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Let’s Donate  Now For A Vision Of Empowering
The People Towards Their Dreams