Differently Abled

We play a proactive role in the growth of the differently-abled, so that they can contribute to the development of the country too. It is necessary to give them vocational training so that they can become self-sufficient. We work towards creating a friendly environment and an environment free of barriers, where the differently-abled can lead a healthy life.

Inclusion of Differently Abled
in the mainstream social activities

Including people with disabilities in everyday activities, and encouraging them to take on challenging roles similar to their friends, is called Disability Inclusion. As a part of this, we make sure that there are adequate policies and practices to maintain Disability Inclusion

Education and Parenting

Education for the differently-abled has changed over the last few years. Recently, we have had many qualified teachers, who know how to handle children suffering from a hearing disorder, autism, etc. Parents have a key role in the development of their child. They need to shape their kids to be good human beings.

Link to other differently abled support agencies

We have a lot of supporting agencies for the differently-abled. Most of them are focused on a particular type of disability. Our goal is to connect the differently-abled to its supporting agencies.

Spread sign language in the society

Out of all the different types of disabilities, hearing impairment is the one that does not allow communication with society. To overcome this communication barrier, people must learn sign language.

Our Other Activities

Empowering Differently Abled

Empowering Differently Abled to make their lives smooth as ours and and make them not feel Differently

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Environmental Activity

Taking The Environmental activities to make the change to the world making it a better place to live

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Skill Development

Teaching skills to the people to the in order to make them professionally skilled

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We Pour in lots of opportunities to the differently abled people in the field of art and make them more exposure

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The importance of social and cultural activities is preparing students for real life and strengthening their personal skills.

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Relief Work

We work for the people in order to make them relieved of the in abilities and problems of theirs

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The People Towards Their Dreams